Your Operating System

You have an operating system loaded in your brain, which is your computer.
It consists of your perceptions, values, attitudes and behaviors.
This operating system controls you.

Your operating system has been programmed into these four areas similar to how a computer’s operating system has been written on a disk and loads into the central processing unit when the machine is powered up. Since we are always powered up our operating system is always running.
You, similar to any personal computer, laptop, smartphone or tablet computer are capable of upgrading your operating system and/ or remove your "bugs".

You have to be aware of your existing operating system, where and how you got it, and look at how it controls you.
Once you realize that it is a programmed operating system written by others, that is controlling your life the upgrade will begin because:

A mind once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions.

Three things are happening simultaneously as we live our lives.
1) We are living life, or coping with life, with the skills that have been conditioned or programmed into us by those who I refer to as our programmers.
2) We are reinforcing in our mind the programmed picture we have of ourselves, reinforcing this picture.
3) We are passing on a view of what we perceive as normal to future generations and are not aware that we are programmers, we are conditioning or programming our children and those who model our behaviors.
I also realized that those people who were my programmers were coping with life, using the skills they had acquired from their programmers. They were reacting the way that they had been programmed.

Our problem, is that we fail to explore all our capabilities.

At times we don’t even turn the computer in our brain on.

Is the operating system controlling you designed for the 21st century or is it the one loaded into your storage device when you were in your teens?
Our personal operating system was written for the most part by the age of 21.
Have you changed your operating system since it was loaded on to the computer in your head?


  If you visualize your operating system like this picture, open up your mind, learn how these perceptions, etc.were established, recognize what these behaviors do to you, keep what is good and valid, insert different programs and use them, you will be amazed at what will transpire.


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