What We Offer


Think Differently - Discover Who You Really Are offers tools and techniques that will allow you to examine why you do what you do and suggests ways to change.
The basic premise for both is that we as individuals have an operating system which was programmed by others that controls everything we do. We have the ability to rewrite our code, however.

If you use these tools and change some of the things that you do, your perceptions and behaviors can change and your perceptual level will rise.


The Book

The book begins with the premise that we as individuals have an operating similar to an operating system on a personal computer. This operating system controls everything we do; it consists of our perception, values, attitudes and behaviors. The book suggests that these elements of our operating system have been programmed into us; it looks at when and how this programming occurred and shows some “bugs” we may have in our operating system. The book shows some business techniques that we can use to change our operating system and what will occur in our perceptual system when we make the change to our “bugs”.

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© 2001 Edward Drew